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Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to be a member to register?
Can I print a property more than once?
What is the Add My property icon?
I created a list of My Properties, but some of these properties have disappeared. Where did they go?
How do I unsubscribe from receiving newsletters and email notices?

Do I need to be a member to register?
*Yes, you will be asked to register for free with only minimal information to access the properties information. With your registration, you will receive additional benefits and features to help you save.
Can I print a property more than once?
*Yes, properties can be printed more than once within the valid period. To encourage minimal waste and environmental mindfulness, we encourage members to only print properties that they fully intend to use.
What is the Add My property icon?
*As a registered member, you can create a list of your favorite property for quick access. Once you have created a list of favorite properties, you can access this list by selecting ‘My Properties’ which can be found with your membership login block.
I created a list of My Properties, but some of these properties have disappeared. Where did they go?
*Once a properties has expired, this property is automatically removed from the property listing directory and from your My Properties feature. Take note of expiry dates and any ‘expiring soon’ tags to insure that you do not miss out on using your favorite property.
How do I unsubscribe from receiving newsletters and email notices?
*To unsubscribe from any of our email notices, simply login and select 'My Account' where you will find the option to edit your account information and preferences.